Thursday, February 25, 2016

International Women's Day- March 8

International Women's Day is coming up on Tuesday March 8, an annual global celebration of women and the fight for gender equality.

The first event of its kind was celebrated in 1911, since then, the day has grown to include thousands of activities and celebrations around the world. 
The theme of International Women's Day 2016 is #PledgeForParity.
While women continue to contribute socially, economically, culturally and politically, gender parity continues to be a struggle.
In addition to events taking place across Canada, men and women are invited to take an online pledge to help close the gap between the sexes.  
Click here to get more information about International Women's Day and how you can get involved. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Okanagan Kids Care provides active fun & sound sleep to shelter clients

Thanks to the generosity of Okanagan Kids Care, children who use the services of Kelowna Women’s Shelter will have access to new bicycles, mattresses and playpens.

“Bikes represent fun, freedom, and fresh air, so much of what’s good about being a child,” points out executive director Karen Mason. “Cycling is also a healthy outdoor activity that children can participate in their whole lives. After a busy day that includes cycling, a child needs a good night’s sleep, and a good mattress is a great way to ensure the kids in our care get the rest they need and awake feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.”

Okanagan Kids Care donated $6,594 to the Kelowna Women's Shelter in February.

"The Okanagan Kids Care Fund Society is pleased to provide funding to the Kelowna Women's Shelter. The items purchased with these funds will enhance the quality of life of the children accessing the services of the Kelowna Women's Shelter," says Susan Patterson, Kids Care board member.

The Kelowna Women’s Shelter is in its 35th year serving the community. The Shelter provides emergency transitional housing, counselling and other support and education programs for women and their children who have experienced abuse. 

Thank you again, Okanagan Kids Care- we're lucky to have your support!