Self-esteem is not about…
perfect (nobody is!)
So what is it?
It is
about how much we value, love, and accept ourselves
People can
have a healthy self-esteem or an unhealthy self-esteem
People with healthy self-esteem are able to feel good about
themselves, appreciate their own worth, and take pride in their abilities,
skills, and accomplishments
People with low self-esteem may feel as if no one will like
them or accept them or that they can't do well in anything
is really important
It is
about knowing you are worth being respected and loved by the people in your life
If you are
one of the many people who often don’t feel good about yourself, there is good
news: you can work to increase your self-esteem and feel better!!
Who or What Influences your Self-Esteem?
- Family
- Friends
- The media
- Yourself
How do you improve your self-esteem?
- Hard work,
dedication to yourself!
- We have
steps from that you can do every day, three times a day,
to help improve the image, thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself
strength grows out of our weaknesses." — Ralph Waldo Emerson
is not about having only strengths. It is also about embracing your weaknesses
and learning how you can turn them into an opportunity to discover more about
yourself. Self-awareness, then, is the first-step to making a change.
Start by
taking a life inventory — like a business would do if it were not
performing well. List your assets (strengths) and your liabilities
(weaknesses). Review your weaknesses and try to identify ways that you can turn
them into strengths. For example, if your weakness is "I'm too shy in
large groups," then work on ensuring your one-to-one relationships are the
best they can be while enrolling in a public-speaking course. That way, you'll
gain more confidence when in large groups but still have solid intimate
relationships to enrich your life.
Silence your inner critic
Challenge your inner critic; don't just take the abuse.Do you have an inner critic who is an expert at finding faults? Are you aware of the voices inside your head? How often do you put yourself down during the day?As you become aware of your negative self talk, you can begin to turn down the volume and replace it with constructive feedback and praise. For starters, change your reactive words to proactive ones: Replace "I can't" with "I can" or "I want to."
Check out this Dove Video!
Use affirmations — the right way
The process of affirming is to make firm statements using words that reinforce the positive.While many of us make them all day long, we usually do so unconsciously or our affirmations embrace a negative connotation. (For example, "I will not stumble during my presentation".) This keeps you in a low self-esteem holding pattern.
For your daily affirmations, use short, strong positive statements in the present tense as if you have already obtained your goal. For example, "I am a great public speaker." This will help reprogram your subconscious mind and increase your sense of self.
Every night, before going to bed, think of five things for which you are grateful. This will help you turn your focus to the positive and seek opportunities for learning and growth
Accept compliments
Don't sell yourself short.Every time you reject a compliment, you are basically saying that you do not deserve the praise.
Next time someone gives you a compliment, say, "Thank you." Get into the habit of telling yourself, "I'm accepting it." Remember, YOU ARE WORTH IT!
Check out this short video about the
Self-Worth Project
Plan for action!
You cannot develop self-esteem just wishing for it.You must take action in order for you to move out of your comfort zone and conquer your fears. This reinforces the belief you have in yourself and, in the end, you will feel better about yourself.
All these steps listed above are techniques
you can use everyday to help feel better about yourself. It is ok to have a bad day, we all have them,
how you cope with it is the most important thing.
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