Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Shoe Story - posted by Kathleen Lemieux

Part of my role at the shelter is to create awareness about the issue of family violence and about the shelter and our services.  In doing this, I often go out into the community and share true stories about our clients and our work.  I gather these stories first hand and from our counsellors and staff.  This is a short story Laura Banman, our shelter’s Program and Staffing Manager, told me.  I’ll never forget it because not once has it ever failed to move me. I think of it as the ‘Shoe Story’. 

Katie is one of our clients.  When she arrived with her children, Danny and Emma, they immediately were busy – not checking out the playroom or what TV channels we had, but finding hiding places and mapping out escape routes for when ‘he’ showed up, because they were positive that he would, and they knew from experience that it was important to be prepared.  Much as we tried to reassure them that the Shelter was a safe place, they were unconvinced.  When bedtime came the first night, they were okay with putting on pajamas, but they were adamant they needed to sleep with their shoes on because last time he found them in the middle of the night and they were forced to flee barefoot in the darkness. 

The Shelter provided safety and support for Katie, Danny and Emma.  They were able to access counselling services and received referrals to the resources they needed.  The children learned that they were not alone, that the abuse was not their fault and that they could be safe.  Katie and the children were given the opportunity for a new life, free from abuse.  This is the story of just one of the many families we were able to help. 

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